Hi everyone (or at least, those of you who are still there. probably just an echo, right?). Been a while, hasn’t it?

I’d vowed to resist, so far as possible, the blogging thing on IP. There were good reasons for resisting: I have lots of other work to do; I need to spend time working on publishable material rather than current commentary; after my last post a certain friend and colleague started calling me Kimberlee ‘Sue the User’ Weatherall … (ok that last one was just funny). And, of course, there’s been plenty of people to fill the gap: Warwick Rothnie, Nic Suzor, the wonderful folks at the Australian Trade Marks Law Blog…

But you know, every now and then I get the urge to say something. So I’m not going to apologise for radio silence. But I am going to post. Sometimes. When I think something won’t be covered by anyone else!