February 2007

The Sydney Morning Herald has an article on Vista’s EULA. The EULA (available here in PDF format) provides for Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium the following “additional licence term”:

USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

Leaving aside the issue of whether an EULA actually is a contract (as against an attempt to turn a copyright licence into a contract) a few interesting points emerge. (more…)

Random question for the day: where does the tortured language used in newspapers to describe offences with which people have been charged come from?

For example, in this article on 15 January, the SMH wrote of a man accused of raping a woman after hiding in her car’s boot:

“He was charged with aggravated sexual assault, aggravated detain person for advantage, take and drive conveyance and escape police custody.”

Only the first offence is reported in normal English. The remainder are described curiously ungrammatically. The terminology isn’t based — as one might initially suspect — in the language of the Crimes Act. So why use it? (more…)